Wednesday 17 September 2014


27 August to Sept 3

Quite a long trip (for us), arriving after lunch. Our site was up the back of the park, but a good drive-through site. And although the amenities were a fair walk, they were banks of ensuite rooms. We had to pull our kayaks out along the footpath and across the main road to reach the water. This is where the Murchison river meets the sea, and it is quite strange to see calm water, then waves breaking, and ocean in the background.
The bar into the sea is very narrow and tricky and we didn't attempt it, but spent our time kayaking the river. Ian was not so keen on fishing on the first trip, so just put the crab net in at the start. He quickly picked up his interest when he caught two large blue swimmer crabs and a tailor, all of which we had for lunch the following day. Yum!!

We took a drive out to see the Murchison river gorges – quite spectacular. It was obviously a mighty river in the past.
'Nature's Window'

We took a long time to get back to the caravan park because we stopped every few minutes to photograph wildflowers. Each time we stopped, we would find several more new ones. We didn't see vast carpets of them, but found little gems hidden everywhere.
Our favourites - We called them 'ghost flowers'. We loved their 'eyes'.
Some of the wildflowers we saw

The weather turned cool and grey for much of the time we were at Kalbarri, so we didn't get out as much as we had planned. On the last night, we had a great seafood and chips dinner along the waterfront, and went fishing from the wharf, where I caught two big bream – enough for a good meal.

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